Volunteer for IGDA at GDC

Want to help the IGDA @ GDC 2020? The application to join the volunteer team is open through February 3rd. Learn more about the benefits and requirements of volunteering with the IGDA at: https://igda.org/gdc2020/volunteer/.

The IGDA Foundation is also looking for volunteers from a variety of backgrounds to help support our initiatives that promote diversity and inclusivity in game development.

Whether you’re a producer with a knack for getting things done, a graphic designer with a flair for branding, or just someone with a little extra time to do good, we’d love to hear from you.

If you’re interested, please complete this brief survey and you will be added to the foundation’s pool of potential volunteers. They will review your skills and availability and let you know when there’s an opportunity that may be a good fit.

Volunteers are what makes both the IGDA and IGDA Foundation run. Their time, knowledge, and passion are absolutely vital to the success of our programs. We would love it if you would consider dedicating some time to bringing these initiatives to life.

The IGDA Foundation supports diversity and inclusion in the games industry through its programs, IGDA Scholars, Velocity, and Next Gen Leaders. We believe that the game development industry should be representative of and welcoming to every person who wants to make games.