IGDA Finland

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IGDA Finland March Gathering & Release Party!

And the hero rides off into the sunset…

BAM! BAM! On 13th of March Gangs of Boomtown will occupy Cuba bar. So get ready for some serious saloon brawling, spineless townspeople, the evil villains, unbribable sheriff and the duel to end it all!

What happening on Tuesday?

Drink tickets and Gangs of Boomtown soundtrack for first 200!

7PM door are open and DJs start to play 8.30PM Presentation; Digital Chocolate and Google 9.30PM live Country Music!

Digital Chocolate's Gangs of Boomtown release party will take place at the IGDA Finland March Gathering. We will have wild west action packed evening! The team behind the game will be present along with some sheriffs and cowboys. Digital Chocolate sponsors a couple of rounds of drinks and there is a band playing country music! Whohoo! Surely an evening not to be missed!

Play the game on Google+: Gangs of Boomtown. The dawn is also just breaking for Google+ as a gaming platform. Digital Chocolate and Google will share early settler experiences on how to round gamers into your circles on Google+.

IGDA Finland March Gathering / Gangs of Boomtown release party Tuesday, March 13, 2012 at 7PM Cuba Bar, Erottaja 4, Helsinki Finland (map: http://igda.fi/?page_id=5)